Growing up on a family dairy farm was great for a boy in Alabama. Throwing hay and milking cows twice a day, every day, was what my family did. Fortunately, I learned from the example, stayed in school, and graduated from Auburn University with a business degree. I married my college sweetheart, and have been lucky, as we are still married 30 years later. I have a son and daughter I could not be prouder of. They are the best, and their mom gets the credit. I still like getting my hands dirty, however, and am not afraid of doing what needs to be done, as long as an iced Coke or sweet tea are involved afterward.
Real Estate has always been part of my life in one way or another. I have held many titles, licenses, and certifications in areas like Architecture, Building Science, Construction, Realtor, and Law. These are part of Real Estate from start to finish. This knowledge from all aspects involved in Real Estate gives me the ability to navigate transactions with ease. I am fortunate to be able to share this information with those who find themselves either buying or selling Real Estate.